Today I begin my term as President of the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (MassNAELA). I look forward to a productive year of advocacy ahead and hope you will help with one of our current goals, which is to educate the public about unethical ads that prey on the vulnerabilities of seniors and people with special needs. You've heard the ads on the radio, seen the flyers or newspaper ads.
The attorneys/companies who place these ads make false promises, create false impressions, and use scare tactics to instill fear in their intended audience.
* These ads make the nursing homes sound like money-grubbing thieves -- when the reality is that the caring staff of nursing homes provide 24/7 care to people who are unable to remain safely in the community. Should the nursing homes provide this care for free? You can bet that the attorneys who place such ads do not provide their services for free. In fact, if you consider the cost of some of these ads (many thousands of dollars), it suggests that these scare tactics are having the desired effect.
* These ads give the false impression that seniors can remain in full control of their assets AND protect those same assets from the cost of long-term care (not true!).
* The ads of a few elder law attorneys place all elder law attorneys in a bad light by emphasizing "protecting assets" above all else, when the reality is that protection of the client is the paramount concern for most elder law attorneys.
MassNAELA works hard to advocate for seniors and people with special needs, but this task is made much more difficult by offensive ads that encourage people to do whatever is necessary to make sure they won't "lose their assets to the nursing home" - in other words, let the state pay it all.
This emphasis hurts everybody because care providers, judges, and legislators have begun to see elder law attorneys as the enemy -- doing nothing more than "hiding" assets from the nursing homes. This could NOT be further from the truth, however. Most elder law attorneys focus on protecting the client, not the assets. Most elder law attorneys provide comprehensive guidance and advocacy to clients, and if asset protection is part of a comprehensive plan, it is only done with full understanding that any assets that are "protected" from the cost of nursing home care are NOT fully available to the client for their future needs. Any ads that suggest one can protect assets and retain full control of the assets are misleading at best.
We need your help to spread the word regarding ads that use false claims and scare tactics. Share this message with your loved ones. If you work with seniors and their families, you have the opportunity to share MassNAELA's message with them.
If you or someone you know has a concern about a particular ad, feel free to send it to me at
Planning is important, whether it is advance planning or crisis planning, it is important to seek professional guidance. Just be aware that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. If something makes you feel rushed, anxious, or bullied, you should walk away. Get a second opinion. Feel free to call my office for guidance, or you can find a MassNAELA member in your area at
Happy New Year to you all! Make 2014 the year you get your affairs in order.
long-term care,
asset protection,
Legal Check Up,
Estate Planning,
disability planning,
Community Care,
nursing home,
long-term care planning