Many of you are aware that I am very involved with the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (MassNAELA), and I am currently serving as the Chapter's President-Elect. MassNAELA has approximately 500 members in the Commonwealth - attorneys who practice in the areas of Elder Law and/or Special Needs Planning. In addition to the dedicated members of the Board of Directors, MassNAELA has several Committees comprised of member volunteers who focus on various areas of advocacy and education to protect the rights of seniors and people with special needs in the Commonwealth.
One of our most important efforts relates to litigation of wrongful denials of MassHealth and Medicare coverage, and several years ago we developed a Litigation Initiative to develop a cohesive approach to defend against the systemic abuses in the application process for public benefits. One of our leaders and mentors in this effort has been Attorney John Ford and his colleagues at Neighborhood Legal Services. John was one of the original members of MassNAELA and is a former President of the Chapter, and he has devoted his entire career to legal aid services - over 45 years! John has brought his decades of experience in litigating issues affecting elders to provide guidance and mentorship to other MassNAELA members whose clients have been faced with wrongful Denials and a lack of Due Process.
However, John and his colleagues at Neighborhood Legal Services, like all Legal Services agencies, have been hit by hard times. Budgets have been slashed, staff cut, and remaining staff forced to take time off without pay at times to save other positions.
Whether you realize it or not, you or your loved ones in Massachusetts have likely benefitted from the commitment and dedication of John Ford and all of the other attorneys and staff at Neighborhood Legal Services. And, their advocacy and guidance has been invaluable to MassNAELA's public policy and litigation efforts, helping us to ensure that the rights of seniors and people with special needs are upheld. Neighborhood Legal Services has been there for people in need, and now they need us to be there for them.
PLEASE join me in making a donation - any amount you can afford - to Neighborhood Legal Services. They recently moved to a new location in order to cut their rent expense in half, but they had to take out a loan to pay for the up-front costs. They need our help to pay back the loan so they can focus on what they do best - providing legal services to the poor and advocating for seniors through their Elder Law Project.
Check out their website at, and please visit their fundraising campaign website at to make a donation. Every little bit will help. Thank you!